The Poetical Cat: An Anthology
From Farrar Straus & Giroux (T)

A witty, sprightly gift edition of poems from such diverse sources as ancient China, medieval Ireland, and twentieth-century America includes the work of such cat-aficionados as Charles Baudelaire, Robert Graves, and Ogden Nash.

Justice by Agathias Scholasticus
Rover, With The Good Brown Head by Matthew Arnold
The Single Creature by Wystan Hugh Auden
Cat by Sutardji Calzoum Bachri
Chrysoberyl: The Eye Of The Cat by Felicity Bast
The Cat by Charles Baudelaire
Cats by Charles Baudelaire
Epitaph For Belaud by Joachim Du Bellay
Lullaby For The Cat by Elizabeth Bishop
The Empress' Cat by Chang Tsu
Mice Before Milk [or, Cat] by Geoffrey Chaucer
Cats by Fazil Husnu Daglarca
The Prayer Of The Cat by Carmen Bernos De Gasztold
Five Eyes by Walter John De La Mare
The Cat by Richard Ghormley Eberhart
The Egyptian Cat by Dennis Joseph Enright
An Appeal To Cats In The Business Of Love by Thomas Flatman
The Desire To Be In Two Places At Once by Charles Henri Ford
On A Cat Aging by Alexander Gray
Ode On The Death Of A Favourite Cat, Drowned In A Tub by Thomas Gray
Apartment Cats by Thomson William Gunn
Cold Mountain Poems: 158 by Han Shan
Last Words To A Dumb Friend by Thomas Hardy
A Memory by Heinrich Heine
To A Persian Cat by F. C. W. Hiley
Pussycat Sits On A Chair by Edward Newman Horn
Hywel The Good Weighs The Worth Of A Cat by Hywel Ab Owain Gwynedd
The Spring Is A Cat by Jang-hi Lee
The Happy Cat by Randall Jarrell
The Epitaph Of Felis by John Jortin
Propriety by Kawai Chigetsu-ni
The Song Of The Cat by Tristan Klingsor
The Cat by Kobayashi Issa
The Cat by Kusatao
The Cat Changed To A Woman by Jean De La Fontaine
Le Hibou Et La Poussiquette by Edward Lear
The Owl And The Pussy Cat by Edward Lear
The Cat As Cat by Denise Levertov
To Winky by Amy Lowell
Our Puck by Frederick Louis Macneice
The Tomcat by Donald Robert Perry Marquis
The Cat And The Lute by Thomas Master
An Offering For The Cat by Mei Yao-ch'en
Diamond Cut Diamond by Ewart Milne
To Mrs. Professor In Defense Of My Cat's Honor And Not Only by Czeslaw Milosz
Milk For The Cat by Harold Monro
Cat-goddesses by John Montague
Mother Cat by John Montague
Six Little Mice Sat Down To Spin by Mother Goose
The Kitten by Ogden Nash
The Cat by Nguyen Trai
Gorby And The Rats by Obeyd-i-zakani
Moonlight by Rajashekhara
The Cat Of Cats by William Brighty Rands
Curiosity by Alastair Reid
Cat's Dream by Naftali Ricardo Reyes Basuato
The Lost Cat by Emile Victor Rieu
Stars by Oktay Rifat
Black Cat by Rainer Maria Rilke
The White Cat Of Trenarren by Alfred Leslie Rowse
Dream: by Raphael Rudnik
The Greater Cats With Golden Eyes by Victoria Mary Sackville-west
The Cats Of St. Nicholas by George Seferis
Charlemagne by Vikram Seth
Jubilate Agno: My Cat Jeoffrey [or, Lines 697-780.] by Christopher Smart
The Singing Cat by Florence Margaret Smith
Cat by William Jay Smith
Moon by William Jay Smith
Nativite by Andre Spire
Cat At Night by Adrien Stoutenburg
Cat by Giles Lytton Strachey
To A Cat by Algernon Charles Swinburne
A Cat by Philip Edward Thomas
Cat On The Mat by John Ronald Renel Tolkien
The Body Of The Great Cat by Anonymous
The Cats Of Kilkenny by Anonymous
Children's Song by Anonymous
Nebamun's Cat; After A Fresco From - Egypt (2600-250 B.c.e) by Anonymous
The Scholar And The Cat by Anonymous
Femme Et Chatte by Paul Verlaine
Chang Tuan's Cats by Wang Chih
Frost Eyebrows by Wang T'ung-kuei
The Cat To His Dinner by Nancy Willard
The King Of Cats Sends A Postcard To His Wife by Nancy Willard
Mujer by William Carlos Williams
Poem by William Carlos Williams
Natural Selection by Jess Williamson
The Cat And The Moon by William Butler Yeats
The Cat's Eye by Yorie
-- Table of Poems from Poem Finder®

The Perfect Gift for Cat Owners!5
This wonderful volume immediately found a prominent place on my mantel, not only for its beautiful cover artwork, but for its uplifting, whimsical and "relate-able" content. Each day I lift it from its spot and choose a diffent poem to read aloud. With my two cats sitting at my feet, they each listen intently as I read - seemingly knowing that I am reading to them, about them and for them. Each piece makes me smile knowingly, laugh, (or sometimes sigh sadly), as vivid images of cats in all their unique and fascinating aspects come alive. It is truly a wonderful book for anyone who has ever loved or lived with cats!

Loved it5
For the collector of well-written, beautifully-bound, hard-cover books, this is a gem. I recommend that, after reading it, you place it on your nicest bookshelf.

This charming, beautifully compiled collection of cat poetry spanning centuries is a delightful read. A true celebration of the mysterious feline!

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