Hamster and Cheese (Guinea Pig, Pet Shop Private Eye)
By Colleen A. F. Venable

There's a sandwich thief in Mr. Venezi's pet shop, and everyone is a suspect, from the chinchillas to the goldfish. Never fear! The world's fluffiest detective on the case: Sasspants, PI(G). By day, Sasspants is your average book-loving, gizmo-inventing guinea pig. By night she solves pet shop mysteries with the help of her sidekick, Hamisher the hamster. Our furry little heroes will stop at nothing to find the sandwich thief! This is the first book in the Guinea PIG, Pet Shop Private Eye series.

About the Author
Colleen AF Venable was born in the small town of Walden, NY, and graduated from Wagner College on Staten Island in 2002 with a double degree in English and Art. She is the creator of the Fluff in Brooklyn fumetti (photo comic) about jerboas, llamas, and other creeping, hopping things; has presented photography and art installations around the world; and provides voice talent for animator Scott Bateman on Salon.com. She is a designer for First Second Books, has worked in the past as a lumberjack, and has a connect-the-dots tattoo of a giraffe.

Stephanie Yue graduated from Pratt Institute in 2006 and is currently living in Providence, Rhode Island. With Zack Giallongo she created the comic book series Novasett Island, and she has done coloring work for graphic novels from First Second Books. She likes to play guitar, practice kung fu, meet people, eat cookies, and drink green tea.

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